Before the start of workshop the participants introduced about themselves. The key purpose of the workshop was to get ideas from the participants of the workshop to make the book free from grammatical, spelling and other mistakes of facts and figures so that the book can be valuable for students. Many concern people participated in the workshop like Prof Ahmad Mahfooz (academy of professional development of urdu medium teachers), Prof. Abdul Rashid (Dept. of urdu, JMI), Dr. Wahid Nazeer (Asstt. Professor, APDUMT, JMI), Aftab Ahmed Maneeri (PGD Urdu Teacher, Jamia Senior Secodary School), Dr. Hina Afreen (Asstt. Professor, APDUMT, JMI), Dr. Abdul Rehman Falahi (In-charge, Dept. of Publication, Markazi Maktaba Islamic Publishers), Abdul Haq Ansari (Dept. of Publication, MMIP), Irfan Waheed (Tasnifi Academy, JIH), Inamullah Falahi (co-ordinator, Darsiyat, MTB), Maulana Shafeeq Alam Nadvi (MTB), etc.
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