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Nice Girls Don't Get The Corner Office Epub Download


COPY LINK URL ON DESCRIPTIONBefore you were told to Lean In, Dr. Lois Frankel told you howto get that corner office. The New York Times bestseller, isnow completely revised and updated. In this edition,internationally recognized executive coach Lois P. Frankelreveals a distinctive set of behaviors--over 130 in all--thatwomen learn in girlhood that ultimately sabotage them asadults. She teaches you how to eliminate these unconsciousmistakes that could be holding you back and offers invaluablecoaching tips that can easily be incorporated into your socialand business skills. Stop making nice girl errors that canbecome career pitfalls, such as: Mistake #13: Avoiding officepolitics. If you don't play the game, you can't possibly win.Mistake #21: Multi-tasking. Just because you can dosomething, doesn't mean you should do it. Mistake #54:Failure to negotiate. Don't equate negotiation withconfrontation. Mistake #70: Inappropriate use of social media.Once it's out there, it's hard to put the toothpaste back in thetube. Mistake #82: Asking permission. Children, not adults, askfor approval. Be direct, be confident.

nice girls don't get the corner office epub download


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